Bylaws of the China National Day Foundation

ARTICLE I                 NAME

The Foundation, shall be known as the China National Day Foundation, located in Sacramento, California, with its abbreviation as CNDF, hereinafter referred to as the Foundation. 


The “Foundation” shall mean and refer to the China National Day Foundation, a nonprofit mutual benefit corporation, its successors, and assigns.
The “Bylaws” shall mean and refer to these Bylaws and any amendments.
The “Articles” shall mean and refer to the Foundation’s Articles of Incorporation and any amendments.
A “Member” shall mean and refer to a person or an organization entitled to membership as specified in ARTICLE IV of the Bylaws.
A “Meeting” shall mean and refer to general meeting, subcommittee meeting, and special meeting as defined in ARTICLE V of the Bylaws.
An “Event” shall mean and refer to a community event organized or sponsored by the Foundation as defined in ARTICLE V of the Bylaws.
The “Officials” shall mean and refer to the governing officials of the Foundation as defined in ARTICLE VI of the Bylaws.



The mission of the Foundation is:

a.               To organize the China National Day celebration events in the greater Sacramento area.
b.               To develop friendship, facilitate mutual understanding and enhance cultural awareness between peoples of the United States and China.

The Foundation shall voice concerns of Chinese American in the United States of America, and shall encourage members to participate in community events that benefit both for the members and for the community.
The Foundation shall maintain its financial status as a non-profit organization with funds derived from membership fees, contributions, grants, and fundraising incomes.
The Foundation shall not discriminate in anyway on the basis of race, sex, and national origins with respect to all activities organized by the Foundation.
The Foundation shall have two categories of members: individual members and organizational members. 
An individual member is an individual who is willing to become a member, obeys the Bylaws, and meets the following requirements:
a.      Actively participates in the Meetings or Events organized by the Foundation.  
b.      Volunteers as required by the Foundation in the celebration of the China National Day.
c.      Votes and elects for Foundation Officials when an individual becomes a Member in the Foundation for more than one year.
d.      Initiates proposals.
e.      Comments on, or coordinates the development of the Chairperson’s report, Treasurer’s report, Subcommittee’s reports, Meeting decisions, Meeting minutes, and Event highlights.

An organizational member is an organization which has at least 10 members, and is willing to become a member, obeys the Bylaws, and meets the following requirements:
a.      Pays membership due of $100 per year as required by the Foundation.
b.      Designates one or two representatives to actively participate in the Meetings and Events. 
c.      Volunteers as required by the Foundation in the celebration of the China National Day.
d.      Votes and elects for Foundation Officials.
e.      Initiates proposals.
f.        Comments on, or coordinates the development of the Chairperson’s report, Treasurer’s report, Subcommittee’s reports, Meeting decisions, Meeting minutes, and Event highlights.
The membership term starts from the beginning of March and expires at the end of February of the next year.   
There shall be at least four general Meetings in a year, once in each quarter. Additional Meetings may be called by the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, or three embers jointly.
At the Meetings, Members shall have opportunities to comment, communicate, interact with, and help each other.
The general Meeting shall have the authority to form Subcommittees and to select the Subcommittee Chairpersons for managing the Foundation, organizing Events, and responding to special situation. 
The general Meeting shall have the authority to amend the Bylaws per ARTICLE by a simple majority vote when an amendment is proposed by the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, or three Members jointly.
The general Meeting shall respond to proposals submitted by a member, and shall approve Chairperson’s reports, Treasurer’s reports, Subcommittee’s report and previous Organization’s meeting Minutes.
The last general Meeting shall be the election Meeting be held by the end of the each calendar year. At the election Meeting, Members shall elect for the Foundation Officials by a simple majority vote. The general Meeting have the authority to dismiss the Chairperson by a simple majority vote when a dismissal recommendation is made by at least one-third (1/3) of the members.   
The general Meeting shall form a three-person election subcommittee at least one month prior to the election Meeting. The election subcommittee shall manage the election of the Foundation Officials.
In the Meeting, each individual member has one vote; each organizational member has maximum of two votes. Votes only from predetermined organizational representatives shall be cast. The representatives can only vote for the represented organizations. The ballots shall be cast anonymously. The voting result shall be announced at the election Meeting.
Non-member participants do not have the right to vote. However, non-member participants are welcome to participate in any Meetings or Events to the extent that the participation in harmony with the Meetings or Events.

The body of the Foundation Officials shall consist of one Chairperson, one Vice Chairpersons, one Secretary, and one Treasurer.
The responsibilities of the Foundation Officials are to achieve the Foundation’s mission and to implement the polices set by the general Meetings,
The service term of the Foundation Officials starts from the beginning of March and expires at the end of February next year. Any individual shall not serve in a specific position of the Foundation Officials more than 2 terms consecutively.
To qualify as the Chairperson candidate, the individual must be a Member in the Foundation for more than one year.
The Chairperson shall

a.      Have general supervision, direction and control of the Organizations’ business and affairs;
b.      Organize the Meetings, prepare the Meeting agenda
c.      Coordinate subcommittees in preparations of the celebration events;
d.      Represent the Organization to participate community events that are in support of the Organization’s purposes
e.      Provide quarterly Chairperson’s Report to the General Meeting;
f.        Authorize the Organization’s fund transactions which are not more than $100 each; and
g.      Farewell the Secretary of the previous the Foundation Officials.
The Vice Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson in coordinating with all subcommittees and activities. When the Chairperson is absent for more than one month from July 1 to October 1, the Chairperson shall delegate Vice Chairperson to act as the Chairperson.

The Secretary shall:

a.      Certify and keep at the principal office of the Foundation the original, or a copy of these Bylaws as amended or otherwise altered to date;
b.      Keep at the principal office of the Foundation or at such other place as the general Meeting may determine, a book of minutes of all meetings recording therein the time and place of holding, whether regular or special, how called, how notice thereof was given, the names of those present or represented at the meeting, and the proceedings thereof;
c.      Coordinate with the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson to implement the Meetings or Events.
d.      Act as Chairperson when both the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are absent for more than one month from July 1 to October 1.
e.      Arrange the Meeting location and time
f.        Record the Event Highlights;
g.      Farewell current Foundation Official members at the end of their term; and
h.      Inaugurate the Foundation Official members for the new term.

The Treasurer shall:
a        Have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of the Foundation, and deposit all such funds in the name of the Foundation in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be selected by the Foundation;

b        Receive, and give receipt for, monies due and payable to the Foundation from any source whatsoever;
c        Disburse, or cause to be disbursed, the funds of the Foundation as may be directed by the Foundation, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements;
d        Keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the Foundation’s properties and business transactions, including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains and losses;
e        Exhibit at all reasonable times the books of account and financial records to any members of the Organization, or to his or her agent or attorney, on request therefore;
f          Render to all members, whenever requested, an account of any or all of his or her transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Organization;
g        Provide quarterly Treasurer’s Reports to the general Meeting on the detailed fund transactions including spending and receiving activities, and provide bank statements in support of the reports; and
h        Prepare, or cause to be prepared, and certify, or cause to be certified, the financial statements to be included in any required reports.
In general, perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may be required by law, by the Articles of Incorporation of the Foundation, or by these Bylaws, or which may be assigned to him or her from time to time by the general Meeting.


Amendments to these by-laws shall be approved by the general Meeting with two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.
The Bylaws has been approved by the general Meeting of the Foundation on April 2, 2008.